Want to create a WE COUNT! Campaign
that engages the trusted advisors in your community and reaches all the hard to
count families in and authentic, organized way?
Here's our suggestions: (and if you call us we will happily explain and help!)
Here are some tools and steps to help you get there:
Share this deck (and this website) with organizations in your community that also serve young children and marginalized families and are trying to figure out what to do about the upcoming census.
This could include partners such as:
Community Head Start's and the Head Start Association
DOE Pre-K programs
Childcare providers and Childcare Professional Development Orgs.
WIC Association
Maternal and Child Health Programs
Food Pantries
Housing Authority
Settlement Houses, etc.
Check out Count All Kids website if you need more statistics and data about the census in your community.
Use this grant proposal and logic model to get funders interested - or for language to use about WE COUNT! when talking to funders and partners.
Use this evaluation of the Paterson pilot too!
ONCE YOU DO GET THERE... we will soon have all kinds of partnership, dissemination and training tools on this side to help you plan and implement your community wide program... coming in December!